Cultivating Curiosity to Enrich Your Life

Curiosity, simply put, is  the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness.” It’s a natural part of our humanity, from birth on. It can be discouraged or suppressed by parents and others in the quest to manage behavior. As adults, cultivating curiosity can be incredibly valuable to our lives. In fact:

 Curiosity is one of the most permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.  ~ Samuel Johnson

Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.  ~ Leo Burnett

Curiosity opens us up to new people, places, and experiences. It can keep us feeling young and better prepared to deal with a changing world. I value my natural curiosity and try to continually nurture it. It has taken me down paths of understanding and learning and built bridges with other people. Curiosity is essential to understanding other people – especially those whose backgrounds and experiences are quite different from yours. It is a prerequisite to engaging our imagination and empathy also. Read more here: Imagination and Empathy – Tools to Decrease Division and Conflict .

These nine tips make cultivating curiosity in your life easier:

  1. Embrace The Unknown

Many of us fear the unknown, or at least have no interest in “digging deeper.” One of the best ways to cultivate your curiosity is to embrace the things you don’t know. If you take the time to learn about the things you don’t know, you will be surprised by some of the things you learn.

  1. Ask More Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask people more questions. This is not only one of the best ways to learn, but it’s also a great way to stay curious. When you ask the right questions (why, who, how) it will lead you down paths you never thought of before.

  1. Read More Often

If you aren’t an avid reader, strive to become one. Start small if you have to. Try to read a new book every month. You don’t have to focus on learning either. Quite often, a good fiction novel will capture your attention in unique ways that help foster curiosity. If you are a voracious reader, consider trying a new genre or seek out authors you haven’t yet explored.

  1. Stop Saying “I’m Bored”

Do you ever say “I’m bored” out loud? If so – next time catch yourself. Instead of saying you are bored, take in your surroundings and see if you can focus your attention on something else. Simply grabbing a pamphlet in a waiting room might inspire you in unexpected ways. Especially in those times when you have to wait in a doctor’s office, the Department of Motor Vehicles, etc., bring something to read or explore something new on your phone.

  1. Be More Present

Try to be more mindful of the world around you and your place in it. Instead of worrying about the future, fretting about the past, multitasking, or checking your phone – just let yourself be. When you are more aware of your surroundings, you will find yourself more curious about them. Rather than going into auto pilot when you are taking the same route to a place you go regularly, try an alternate route and observe as you go.

  1. Listen More Than You Speak

Listening to others is one of the best ways to spark your curiosity. You never know which tidbit is going to catch your attention and lead you down paths unknown. When you speak too much, you miss out on these types of opportunities.

  1. Learn Something New

Is there anything you have wanted to learn but never bothered?  There has never been a better time to learn about something new. With almost all universities and colleges offering online learning and websites like Udemy, there is no lack of ways to learn something new. And in-person classes at community colleges or community centers are a great option.

  1. Start Taking Notes

You would be surprised how much you notice about the world around you when you keep notes. Things you might notice in the moment, then normally forget later, can be captured forever by taking notes. Capture questions that pop into your mind too. Those can so easily be lost. Nothing beats an actual notebook, but there are plenty of phone apps that ensure you can jot down your thoughts anytime. Then go back regularly and explore some of those topics.

  1. Forget Your Fears

We let fear take control far too often. You won’t ever experience something new if you are too scared to take a chance. You may have apprehension about the activity itself, or of people’s reactions to you going in that direction. Worrying about the thoughts of others can be a huge and unnecessary block. If something interests you, go for it – don’t fear the judgment of others.

Here are 3 specific ways to get started cultivating curiosity today:

  • Think about a topic that you have a casual interest in but never really explored. Start an internet search about it, and dive in. Don’t worry if you go down another tangent – that’s curiosity!
  • Make a “to-read” list. Search an online bookstore and find some titles that speak to you or capture your interest. Try to find at least 12. This will give you a manageable list to conquer in a year.
  • Commit to learning something new. It can be a new skill or just a topic that interests you. Find an online course (there is probably a free or cheap option!) and sign up.

As you are cultivating curiosity in your life, you may find these books which go much deeper of interest:

 Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends On It

A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life 

I’m Carol Brusegar, author, photographer and curator of information. My focus is on gathering and writing on topics that enhance all our lives – regardless of our age. Topics include health and wellness, personal development, innovation and creativity, and a variety of helpful, practical tools and practices. I have a special interest in helping people over 50 years of age to create their 3rd Age – the next stage of their lives – to be the best it can be. Visit my Amazon Author Page to find my published books: