Between What WAS and What WILL BE…. Reflections on Pandemic Liminal Space

Between What Was & What Will Be...It’s amazing to me that we are STILL in pandemic liminal space!! No amount of mental gymnastics or fact avoidance can change the reality that we still have well over 1,000 people dying each day (mid-January, 2022) and total deaths are well over 850,000.

COVID fatigue affects everyone in one way or another. For many it is avoidance of the current facts and not reflecting to make some sense for oneself of personal experiences.

I continue my practice of journaling about each week of the experience. It’s now Week 97 since I began. In the middle of 2021, I put together an ebook about my experiences and some tangents and learnings from those experiences. I’m sharing it here in flipbook format if you’d like to read it. Perhaps you’d like to compile something about your personal journey!

Use the “toggle fullscreen” below the flipbook to make it large enough to read.

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