Vision is the true creative rhythm. ~ Robert Delaunay
Does the idea of a Vision Statement excite you? Inspire you? Leave you cold? A Personal Vision Statement can be useful, especially if we keep it fresh and adjust as life progresses. A tired, dusty, tattered vision statement may have historical interest, but lacks power day to day.
This is a perfect time to look at Personal Vision Statements. We are still experiencing the effects and after-effects of the pandemic. After all the interruptions and dislocations of the past few years, creating a fresh one can be an energizing process. I am eager to do this myself. I have experienced lots of changes and frankly, a frequently muddled brain. I have less focus in some areas of my life and look to this to regain that.
What is a Personal Vision Statement?
Here’s a quick definition:
A Personal Vision Statement encompasses one’s values, goals, and purpose in life. Sometimes it also includes a statement of the lifetime impact you wish to have on the world. Perhaps you want to focus on the totality of your life moving forward, or you may want to create a statement that is for a particular segment of your life – like the next 10 years, the time while you have children living at home, your retirement years, etc.
Personal vision statements can encompass both personal and professional goals. They also tend to include a list of some deeply held personal values. They tend to be short, only a few sentences long.
Each of these examples include a simple statement, followed by more detail:
(from “25 Best Personal Vision Statement Examples,
To Empower My Children to Be Great
I commit that I will do all that I can to give my children the best life possible. I will ensure they have access to healthy food and are empowered to understand good health and nutrition. I will provide a roof over their head and access to education, so that they will not need anything. I will not allow them to become selfish or complacent by being spoiled by excess. I will teach them to appreciate and use the stability and financial surplus I will provide them to improve their own lives and to bless others.
Not Being Define By the Past
I commit that I am not defined by my experiences, but by who I am in light of my experiences. I will work hard to overcome past challenges and experiences. I will seek opportunities for personal and professional development to help me become a valuable contributor at work and in society. I will be an example to others that you can always improve, no matter what challenges life has given you.
Do these examples inspire you to do your own? I am eager to do this myself. I have experienced lots of changes and frankly, a frequently muddled brain. I have less focus in some areas of my life and look to this to regain that.
Benefits of a Personal Vision Statement
Personal Vision Statements have multiple benefits; here are the top three.
- It gives you a sense of direction
A personal vision statement will provide you with a feeling of direction, of knowing where you are right now and where you are trying to go. If you start to feel lost or rudderless, look at your vision statement to help you realize the truth. This is an important psychological benefit – don’t underestimate it!
- It helps motivate you
Personal vision statements have been shown to provide additional motivation when it’s lagging. It can provide you with that extra “oomph” you need to keep pushing and get yourself over the finish line when times are tough.
- It provides a framework for decision making
A personal vision statement helps with decision-making by providing a framework you can use to evaluate options, especially for complex decisions. Which options move you towards accomplishing your intentions? Which will move you further away? Which ones would let you uphold your values? Would any require you to break your values? These questions help you decide.
Getting Started
Creating your Personal Vision Statement is, well, personal! Everyone’s is different. It’s a creative process to come up with one that will be valuable to you.
This is best done as a hands-on, paper and pen process. Handwriting has advantages over keyboards for projects like this. Somehow, it helps us access memory and emotion and find ideas. It gets the juices flowing.
The basic steps are writing down your goals/intentions, strengths, skills, weaknesses and values – these will be the basis of creating a powerful, useful Personal Vision Statement.
I hope you are getting excited about crafting your very own Personal Vision Statement! In the this post – – you will find the steps in more detail and you will create your personal, powerful statement.
Great Resource For You
Dennis Becker has a publication that can be of great assistance as you begin the process of living out your vision – Unlock Your Ideal Self. He says, “It’s not a magic button, it’s a journey. It’s a journey you’re going to be thrilled to embark on and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Imagine, in just a short time from now you could see some powerful, big changes in your life. Changes that will help you earn more, do better, and find what really makes you happy.” Check it out!
I’m Carol Brusegar, author, photographer and curator of information. My focus is on gathering and writing on topics that enhance all our lives – regardless of our age. Topics include health and wellness, personal development, innovation and creativity, and a variety of helpful, practical tools and practices. I have a special interest in helping people over 50 years of age to create their 3rd Age – the next stage of their lives – to be the best it can be.