Memoir Essays

Get your copy here: Memoir Essays

Perhaps you have considered writing a memoir or some other format to capture your life. Maybe you’ve started such writing. Or maybe you think it’s self-centered or egotistic to do this. Perhaps you think no one will be interested in reading it so it’s not worth the effort.

I see writing about your life as a gift to yourself and to others, whether they read it now or sometime in the future. The way I prefer to do this is with MEMOIR ESSAYS. These essays capture snapshots of your life including context and history. The formula is Memories + Context + History = Greater Appreciation for Your Life Journey. You can create MEMOIR ESSAYS, one at a time, starting anywhere in your life.  Start with a memory, do some research to learn more about the context and if possible consult with others. When you expand your memories in this way you will:

1) gain greater perspective and appreciation for your life journey, and
2) make your essays more interesting to those who read them.

As Russell Banks said, writing in this way is “much more than memoir; it’s history.

 My Kindle book on the topic is available on It focuses on 6 strategies for identifying topics for your memoir essays:

  • Finding topics to explore from old photos
  • Digging deeper when a current experience triggers memories
  • Choosing a time period to focus on and capture highlights
  • Exploring music in your early life
  • Identifying pivot points in your life
  • Excavating the impact of major community, national or global events

A complete Memoir Essay accompanies each strategy to illustrate that approach. Each illustrates how to dig deeper, research the history, and round out your memories. Included is a free worksheet to keep track of your ideas.

Get your copy here: Memoir Essays

I’m Carol Brusegar, author, photographer and curator of information. My focus is on gathering and writing on topics that enhance all our lives – regardless of our age. Topics include health and wellness, personal development, innovation and creativity, and a variety of helpful, practical tools and practices. I have a special interest in helping people over 50 years of age to create their 3rd Age – the next stage of their lives – to be the best it can be. Visit my Amazon Author Page to find my published books:

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