It’s Not Too Late – Choose Your ‘ONE WORD FOR THE YEAR’ Now

Whew! It’s almost the end of January!! Are you racing into the new year with new energy and focus? Or are you sliding in on autopilot? Or something in between?

It’s not too late to do a restart, not too late to choose your Word for the Year.  We’re past the main push for this activity, and yet the year has just begun. Ignore the artificial timelines and expectations. Consider what may be helpful for you and do it now.

 Choosing One Word for the Year provides some focus for the coming year. Or for the next month, or three months. Identify a time period that makes most sense for you and will provide focus and incentive. 

To make this most effective, I recommend going back to the source of this practice, One Word That Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton and Jimmy Page. It’s a small book that includes how to use the concept and gives examples of how it has worked for others.

The book’s authors have additional resources for us – including a 7-day One Word Challenge that comes as 7 emails with a video and specific things to do each day. I find this helpful; perhaps you will also.

The 3-step process to identify your word is a simple one. In some past years I used the shortcut of doing a bit of thinking, having a word pop into mind, and going with it. Although I may have arrived at the same word or a very similar one by following the steps, I shortchanged myself by not going through the process.

In addition to choosing a word that can affect multiple areas of life, keeping your chosen word before you throughout the year is crucial to our success. Again, I didn’t follow through to implement the ideas in the book, or other suggestions I found from those who use the technique.

But I realize now that I taken shortcuts both in choosing the word and in taking the recommended steps to increase the probability of my success. If you can identify with this, please join me as I remedy this in 2023. It’s not too late!!

So let’s get started:

Grab the book here: One Word That Will Change Your Life

Go to sign up for the 2023 challenge and start getting your emails.

Now I invite you to come along with me on the 7-day challenge.

The goal of this process is to come up with one word that will give me MEANING, PURPOSE AND FOCUS for the year just beginning. The first step is to reflect on the past year and then think about this year. Writing, not just thinking, will be most helpful.

Let’s move ahead and make this a remarkable year!

P.S.  What about resolutions? A brand new study provides a snapshot of this practice that I find fascinating:

“Every year, 38.5% of US adults set New Year’s resolutions. Age predicts one’s likelihood of having at least one resolution, with younger adults being the most likely group to have such goals.

  • 38.5% of U.S. adults set New Year’s resolutions yearly, based on the average of five different studies over the past years.
  • 52.6% focus on one New Year’s Resolution, whereas the other 47,4% sets multiple ones.
  • 59% of young adults (18-34) have NY resolutions, making them the largest demographic with New Year’s resolutions.
  • People over 55 are 3.1 times less likely to have resolutions compared to younger adults. The older someone becomes, the less likely they will have New Year’s resolutions.
  • 54% of parents with children have New Year’s resolutions, which is 1.6 times more than those who don’t have kids.”
  • And “23% of people quit by the end of the first week, 64% after the first month...”  (

This tells me that first of all, “everyone” doesn’t follow this practice. Second, for those who do the fallout rate is high and fast. Third, over half of those who do only set one resolution. Interesting, right?

I’m Carol Brusegar, author, photographer and curator of information. My focus is on gathering and writing on topics that enhance all our lives – regardless of our age. Topics include health and wellness, personal development, innovation and creativity, and a variety of helpful, practical tools and practices. 

I have a special interest in helping people over 50 years of age to create their 3rd Age – the next stage of their lives – to be the best it can be. Check out these and more of my books here:

My books

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Between What WAS and What WILL BE…. Reflections on Pandemic Liminal Space

Between What Was & What Will Be...It’s amazing to me that we are STILL in pandemic liminal space!! No amount of mental gymnastics or fact avoidance can change the reality that we still have well over 1,000 people dying each day (mid-January, 2022) and total deaths are well over 850,000.

COVID fatigue affects everyone in one way or another. For many it is avoidance of the current facts and not reflecting to make some sense for oneself of personal experiences.

I continue my practice of journaling about each week of the experience. It’s now Week 97 since I began. In the middle of 2021, I put together an ebook about my experiences and some tangents and learnings from those experiences. I’m sharing it here in flipbook format if you’d like to read it. Perhaps you’d like to compile something about your personal journey!

Use the “toggle fullscreen” below the flipbook to make it large enough to read.

Gratitude is a Big Deal – But Why is That?

GratitudeGratitude is a big deal. It’s good for all of us, as we feel it, express it and share it. In the month of November, there is a big push for it on social media and elsewhere. Perhaps it’s part of your reflections at the end of a year or whenever you are regrouping. Nurturing it as part of our daily lives besides those occasional bursts is beneficial in many ways.

Gratitude IS a big deal. It is part of our relationships, our connection with our higher power, and how we view the world. Numerous studies have identified the benefits of having an attitude of gratitude. Note that this is not an occasional expression, but an attitude or a mindset that is part of our way of living life. Here are five benefits identified in studies:

Benefit #1 – Gives More Patience

Researchers at Northeastern University have found that people who felt grateful for the little everyday things in their lives were more patient and better able to make sensible decisions, compared to those who didn’t feel thankful on a daily basis.

Benefit #2 – Improves Relationships

Feeling grateful toward your partner, other family members and friends (and their gratitude to you) can improve numerous aspects of a relationship, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology. This includes stronger feelings of connectedness and overall satisfaction between you.

This extends beyond our close relationships. A 2014 study discovered that thanking an acquaintance for a kindness more often than not makes them seek a deeper relationship with you. It doesn’t matter how small the kindness. Simply acknowledging little deeds leads to new relationship opportunities, and of course, more happiness.

Benefit #3 – Improves Health

Gratitude increases optimism, and optimism has been proven to boost the immune system. According to a study by Harvard Medical school, those who are optimistic live happier, healthier, longer lives.

Benefit #3 – Improves Sleep

Feeling grateful can help you sleep better and for longer. This is most likely because you have more positive thoughts before you go to sleep, which can help to soothe the nervous system. If you are going to make a daily gratitude list, or keep a gratitude journal, studies have shown that it is best to do this right before bed.

Benefit #4 – Eases Depression

Recent studies have shown that by practicing the “three good things” exercise daily, you can see considerable improvements in depression and overall happiness, sometimes in as little as a few weeks. The activity prompts you to think of three good things or moments that happened during the day. It interrupts the gloom and downward spiral that depression creates.

According to another study, even a one-time act of thoughtful appreciation produced a 10% increase in happiness and 35% reduction in depression.

Benefit #5 – Gives You Happiness that Lasts

Numerous things can give you a boost of happiness, from a compliment to a sugary treat. Unfortunately, these kinds of instant gratification can quickly disappear and leave you craving more. Gratitude, on the other hand, is something that can lead to a much more sustainable form of happiness because it isn’t based in that immediate gratification, but rather a state of mind. If you take the time to regularly express gratitude and thankfulness for the things in your life, you are more than likely to see long-lasting happiness. I wrote earlier about this here:

Cultivating and sustaining an attitude of gratitude can have these benefits and more. If you already have this mindset and approach to life, you may appreciate its benefits even more now. If you would like to build an attitude of gratitude into your life, find more inspiration and tools to help you accomplish this.

Let’s start with a simple monthly Gratitude Wheel. This is free, downloadable and printable. Each day, fill in a spoke of the wheel with what you are grateful for that day. At the end of the month you will have a visual that you can tape up where you can see it or put in a notebook. I love the visual as an option to the lists that gratitude journals provide. Download it here:

Perhaps a daily reading will provide inspiration for you. Consider one of the 365 Days of Gratitude compilations of the Community Book Project. There are two completely different volumes.

365 Days of Gratitude 2022

365 Days of Gratitude 2021

Gratitude is a big deal! May your attitude of gratitude enhance your life every day!!

I’m Carol Brusegar, author, photographer and curator of information. My focus is on gathering and writing on topics that enhance all our lives – regardless of our age. Topics include health and wellness, personal development, innovation and creativity, and a variety of helpful, practical tools and practices. I have a special interest in helping people over 50 years of age to create their 3rd Age – the next stage of their lives – to be the best it can be.

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